Sunday, March 27, 2011

five am stomach pangs

Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries, and crunchy peanut butter was the only panacea to such hunger.
(photo courtesy btwnfact&fiction)   

A party went down at my house last night whilst I sat crosslegged, with lips stained red from a constant flow of cabernet, and watched Tony chain smoke cigarette after cigarette.

Then I decided to indulge in a (well deserved?) perusing the vast interweb for delicious backpacks, shoes, cameras, fabrics, and ferry tickets. Along with the regret of quitting my paying job, here is what I stumbled upon

An Italian canvas backpack with leather straps and buckles. It is 17inches in depth and can hold an impressive amount of stuff.  I particularly like that fannypack-esque front pocket with the leather base. Also the [almost] wrap-around zipper placement is pretty sweet. $114 from iyiami via etsy

What outfit will this not go with?? This pair of suede slippers looks deliriously comfortable. Classic yet understated. The slight slight slight heel will provide me heavenly relief as I am incompatible with flat flats. 
By Kosy, via Topshop£50

Canon G12 I have never been camera friendly. At least, not on a digital level. I've had past lovers in the film category, with weekly dates to the nearest pharmacy or Costco for intimacy in dark rooms and climactic developments. The digital age dawned and I was attracted to the new kind. A sensitive subject who shall remain nameless gave me my first digital camera. It was shitty, and was the first of many (also shitty). 
But now, I am getting over this hunch and am embarking on a new photographic journey. I have heard great things about this Canon G12. It allows for the shooting and capturing of photos with close to SLR quality without all the shenanigans that I can't care less to understand. The sensor is quite sensitive I believe. 
It being $500 may inhibit me from purchasing the aforementioned items so I may invest in a more wallet friendly species.

I am so making a pair of chiffon trousers once I bid au revoir to this spring semester! From the waistline to upper thigh will be double layered with chiffon and silk, [maybe? Maybe not silk due to the massive, warm, and sweaty discomfort in the summertime. Perhaps a light pima cotton substitute!]. Slightly above-ankle cut off with a wide hem. High waisted, above belly button. Ensemble it up with a pink lace bustier, with an inch or two of skin between the pieces. And perhaps a loose sky blue blazer or jacket of some sort. 
Sparkle and Fade $50 via UO

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